Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here's to Your Health: From The Creator's Point of View

Growing your own food is the first road you should follow on your way to the Garden of Eden.
 ~ Lady Lavender

Jethro Kloss
"The Creator of this universe made man in the beginning out of the ground. The different properties found in the earth are found in man, and the fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables contain the same elements which are found in earth, and in man. When these fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables are eaten in their natural state and not perverted and robbed of their life-giving properties in their preparation, health, beauty and happiness will be the sure reward. The scripture which says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," is surely being fulfilled. But our loving heavenly Father is looking down and He, seeing the untold suffering and wretchedness, has made provision that the use of these things which He has provided will surely bring relief. Read, in this book, of the wonderful properties which are in trees, herbs, flowers and roots, and leaves of the trees, which the Holy Book says are for our medicine. Ezek. 47:12. There are also wonderful life-giving properties in fruit, if properly eaten, and not combined with other foods, the combination of which causes fermentation and other disturbances and thus destroys their life-giving properties."
~ Excerpt from the Foreword of the book "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss

Have you ever heard the phrase, "You are what you eat"? Well pay attention people because this one is for real. It turns out we really are made up of what we eat, and, if we eat properly, it's all good. However, poor eating habits will certainly lead to dis-ease and other complications in your body and mind. Jethro Kloss (1863-1946) was an herbalist, food scientist, inventor, lecturer, writer and teacher, known for his advocacy of the use of nature's healing resources.

His book, Back to Eden was first published in 1935, and a much larger revised edition was published in 1939. Due to overwhelming popularity in the sixties and eighties members of the Kloss family authorized another edition to be published in 1986. This one included insights from Kloss' son, Eden, his daughter, Promise, and granddaughter Doris.

The book is a one-stop shop for all things healthy. It focuses on his methods for healing the body naturally with herbs, proper diets and exercise, and a life in harmony with our environment, utilizing its resources the way God intended. For example, he believed that the human diet should not include any meats, eggs, dairy products, sugar, spices, and fermented foods. The book includes numerous self-healing remedies using herbs and things that grow naturally and several recipes for good "soul" food, food good for your soul.

One website dedicated to the Back to Eden concept is www.backtoedenfilm.com. This site features a movie you can watch for free about how to grow your own food naturally and easily. God provided everything we need to do this. It was his intent with the Garden of Eden, and his intent for us here on earth.

One of the most interesting testimonies of the host of the movie was that we all try really hard to grow our gardens. We use weed eaters, and fertilizers, and tillers, and all other manners of foolishness to grow what God has been growing since the beginning of time, with little to no effort. Think about it. The trees in the forest, the cactus in the desert, nature's mountains, landscaped with trees, brush, flowers, all just growing with no care being given. To me, they are great examples of God's perfection and a lesson we need to learn about how to care for the earth we have been entrusted by God to care for.

"And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine"
~ Ezekiel 47:12

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