Water is one of the most essential elements that the human body needs to survive. We can go for days, or even months without solid food, but the body will shut down within just a few short days if it is deprived of clean water.
That's because our body is made up of approximately 70% water and all of the components that we are made of need water to function properly.
His website, The Water Cure, profiles "The Wonders of Water" including several ways water prevents and aids in the cure of several life-threatening illnesses, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
Knowing this, it amazes me when I think of the fact that over one billion people on the earth still lack access to "safe" water.
To avoid dehydration we must consume "clear water" daily. People who are more active, or who live in humid climates may require a little more than the average suggested minimum amount of about 2 liters a day.

It is possible to consume too much water, and if the water is not being expelled from the body, it can be fatal. In fact, I recall a local radio station (107.9, "The End") in Sacramento, California holding a contest in January of 2007. The winner of the competition was to receive a Nintendo Wii video game console.
The contest titled "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" was the cause of the death of 28 year old Jennifer Strange, who refrained from emptying her bladder in an effort to win the contest, instead, she lost her life.
Drinking the right amount of water may seem tricky at first, but I suggest you consult a doctor if you have any concerns about what is right for you. Daily water intake requirements vary from person to person, but one sure-fire way to know if you are getting enough is to do what feels "right" to your body.
Read information about the symptoms of dehydration so you know when you are not drinking enough and always, always empty your bladder when you feel the need to "go pee". Emptying your bladder frequently throughout the day is normal if you are drinking the appropriate amount of water.
While some of the best things in life are free, water, unfortunately for most, is not. If you have the "luxury" of being a land owner (not
just a home owner, because many people who purchase "condos", while
they may own their houses, they do not own the land the physical
building sits on) then you know that water, while it may be one of the
best things in life, it is not free.

And, unless we
plan on moving to Siberia, near Lake Baikal, then I guess we will just
have to keep paying for our water, a natural God-given resource to His
Lake Baikal in
Siberia is the single largest (by volume) fresh water resource in the world, and it is suitable for drinking. It is also the oldest (over 25 million
years old) and deepest (Over 2,400 feet deep) lake in the world.
Like most of the things we need to survive here on this planet, the "Powers That Be" have found a way to make us is pay for something that should, and truly really is, and always will be, free.
I close with a toast to your health, with a glass of water, of course. Drink responsibly, people.
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