Monday, March 5, 2012

Together We Are an Ocean: Not Easily Broken

Individually we are one drop, together, we are an ocean
~ Ryunosuke Satoro

A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story, stars Alfre Woodard as the mother of NBA ball player Isiah Thomas, and gives an inside look at the early life of the former Detroit Piston, but also shares the remarkable story of his mother, whose courage and determination is highlighted throughout the movie as she raises her children as a single parent in a neighborhood thriving with gangs and gang activity.

One of the scenes takes place in the family's home, as Mary Thomas calls all of her children to gather around the dining room table. She had just argued with their oldest brother and he walked out of the house, to go back into the streets to live. As the children, including a young Isiah Thomas, collected themselves at the table she handed each one of them a single matchstick, and then asked each of them to break it in half. 

Not knowing why she would ask them to do such a silly thing, each child did as they were told and broke the stick in half with ease. Then Mary Thomas took ten matches from the box and held them together in her hand, and no matter how hard she tried, she simply could not break all the matches at the same time. She then proceeded to teach her childen the valuable lesson about standing together as one.

This lesson also brings to mind one of my favorite scriptures from the bible, Ecclesiastes 4:12. Even though one of us alone can be overpowered, two of us together can defend ourselves better. "A cord of three strands is no easily broken".

This concept was even the basis for the movie titled Not Easily Broken, which focuses on the ideal that marriage is not just a union of two souls but the divine connection of the husband, wife and their God.

Keep on learning, loving, and living people. And if you find yourself alone, remember your God is always with you and He has something in store for you so great, it's well worth the wait. This journey was not meant to be travelled alone.

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

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