Monday, January 16, 2012

Take Time To Renew The Physical Self

Is the pressure of life getting you down and making you feel heavy? Are you tired and sluggish most of the time? Do you find that you have become stuck in a rut, so to say? Well, it may be due to a lack of your body feeling renewed, feeling recharged, and feeling refreshed; all necessary experiences for a healthy and physically fit human to continue to be physically fit, but often not our primary focus. We put so much pressure and strain on our physical bodies, always pushing physical abilities to the limits, and rarely taking the time to replenish that which we have drawn from so deeply and so often.

In the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey discusses the overall importance of physical health and he stresses that rest, relaxation, and regular physical activity are all key actions one must take daily to maintain healthy balance and order with mental and physical health. Other key factors include stress management and nutrition.

You have to eat better and learn to live better in order to feel better.

Set a physically healthy schedule for yourself daily and stick to it. By doing things everyday at a certain time they soon become healthy habits. For example, take your vitamins everyday at the same time, schedule meals and snacks for certain times of the day, take time to exercise and meditate, daily, for at least 30-60 minutes for maximum effect. (Consult your physician before starting any exercise regimen if you are on medication, or under the direction of a medical professional for an existing condition. Exercise is important for everyone, period, but each person must take into account what are the healthy limits for their specific journey).

Wake up and go to bed on time, according to your schedule, avoid taking several naps throughout a 24 hour period, and make time to sleep at least 6-8 straight hours to allow your body time to recharge its battery.

Identify any factors in your life that may be the source of unnecessary stress. Manage those things in your life and never allow them to exhaust any more of your energy than they deserve. You and you alone can control your emotions and ultimately your mood. Your physical health is directly affected by your mental emotions and attitudes. Stress bring upon disease in the body and all the internal stress you hold in will find its way out, and can manifest as cancer, as lupus, as diabetes, and other illnesses.

Eating healthy is probably one of the most essential things one can do to improve and maintain a healthy physically fit body. Choose foods that are healthy for your brain and for your body. Foods that are fresh, and not cooked, eaten raw, like fruits and vegetables, are best for you. Eaten daily, with plenty of water will increase your energy and make you feel lighter. Eating healthy is also a sure fire way to maintain a healthy weight for your height and stature. Avoid fried foods and foods high in calories, preservatives, fats and sugar. None of these are good for you. Try to cut these from your daily diet and only indulge in moderation occasionally.

There is a combination of things one must do in order to maintain a healthy physically fit body. Each person must design a regimen and schedule that works best for them. Don't make the mistake of comparing yourself  to others, or use their failures and successes to define your own. Create a schedule that includes healthy diet choices, exercise, meditation, rest and relaxation, and above all, find the chance to live, laugh, and love your way to a better you.

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