Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Piece of Peace: Homegrown Soul Food And Knowledge

I need to make some changes in my life. Instead of being angry because I am not the person I want to be, I am going to get busy being the person I know I was created to be. Part of that journey begins with changing the attitude I have toward life and people. I expect a lot from people, especially those around me, those closest to me. Sometimes I expect too much.

I can have my own little "Piece of Peace" right here, starting today. I have so much to be thankful for, and all the tools I need to make the visions in my head come true are within reach. I just need to get busy, and start making more time to do what I always wanted to do. Read, play in the dirt (gardening), write, and spend quality time with the ones I love. 

Life doesn't begin when things are right, it waits for nothing and no one. Live for today and be thankful for each day, as it is a blessing. Make the life you want to live tomorrow your action plan for the day. And always remember to be thankful for what you do have by first imagining what your life would be without it.

Never again will I confess my lack, for I have always had more than I needed, never again will I confess that I cannot, for I can do anything I focus my energies on, never again will I confess fear, for fear is simply in my own mind, waiting to destroy my hope, I will not profess weakness, for I am strong and my proof is my existence.

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